Availability: In stock
Each capsule contains
Chlorella vulgaris ………….. 500 mg
Chlorella is a single-cell fresh water green microalgae. It is nature’s first and one of the most complex natural food supplements.
- Detoxifying effect
Chlorella is a richest source of chlorophyll of any known plant. Its chlorophyll content is about 10 times than that of spirulina. It can help speed up the rate of cleansing the bowel, blood stream and liver.
The chlorophyll and the carotenoids present in the cell wall can bind to the toxic materials like hydrocarbon, heavy metals and any pollutants ingested daily into our body and eliminate via faeces and urine. - Formating of haemoglobin
By taking the chlorophyll in the diet, it can be easily transformed into haemoglobin by substitution of Fe++ into Mg++. - Anabolic and Antiaging effect (by CGF)
Chlorella produces a growth factor known as Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF), which can prevent cell damage and cellular degeneration. It is believed to slow down the aging process and prevent cancer.
- Detoxification of the body; heavy metals, industrial pollutants, urban pollution, cigarette smoking, toxin, radiation poisoning, smoked food. Etc.
- Prevention and treatment of anemia; pregnant women, iron deficiency anemia, malnutrition.
- Enhancement in growth and development of children.
2 years and above – one capsule two times daily after meal
The colour of the stool may change into green.
60 capsules per bottle
A/U: 60's
Remark: 10.4